Check if your child is ready for school 

Soon, your child will begin a new stage in life. Start our test to find out how psychologically and intellectually prepared he/she is for school. You will answer 15 questions and receive personalized recommendations from experts.

The test will help you:


Determine which skills are important for a first-grader

Lectii Private

Properly organize activities to prepare for school

arta plastica

Stop worrying about your child's future academic success

How to take the test:


Click “Take Test” button and register


Thoroughly answer all the questions


Receive recommendations for activities

Usefull Info

Frequently Asked Questions

What is TopTalent?

It is a unique platform for Moldova that helps parents find centers for children’s extracurricular development. With TopTalent, parents can quickly find suitable sections, clubs, or activities for young children and teenagers in 5 minutes or less.

How does the platform work?

With the help of a smart filter and a map, you can find the activity you need. By choosing a convenient time in the schedule, you can book a spot.

What is "Top Planner"?

A personalized recommendation system that takes into account your preferences and the experiences of other users. Our platform provides parents with an optimal development plan for their children, including a ready-made schedule of activities and a budget, tailored to your needs, goals, and the child’s interests.

How do I list my development center?

To add information about your center on TopTalent, go to the registration page. Fill in the registration details and log into your personal account. Here, you will be able to post information about your services, select directories with section directions, and manage the schedule of activities.